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WordPress. How to create RSS feed for your blog

Chris Diaz November 15, 2011
Rating: 3.0/5. From 2 votes.
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In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create and RSS feed for your blog. RSS feeds allow your visitors to keep track of your website news and updates without visiting your website each time. You can view RSS feeds from various websites using the Feed Reader application or web service.

A feed is a function of special software that allows feed readers to access a site, automatically looking for new content and then posting the information about new content and updates to another site. This provides a way for users to keep up with the latest and hottest information posted on different blogging sites.

There are several feed formats, you can learn more about setting up feeds from WordPress Codex. In this tutorial we’ll cover only the most important things.

You can create the RSS feed for your posts to display your blog updates. The other option is to display the comments RSS to let your customers subscribe for the comments tree.

URL for RDF/RSS 1.0 feed
URL for RSS 0.92 feed
URL for RSS 2.0 feed
URL for Atom feed
URL for comments RSS 2.0 feed


Put the code for the RSS you want to display into the WordPress theme file to display the link. Using the CSS styles you can add the background image and colors.

For example to display the feed in the header edit wp-content/themes/theme###/header.php file.

You can also use some third party plugins to create RSS feeds for your WordPress blog but we recommend using default WordPress functions.

In the event you might need templates for a news site, go ahead and see news website templates wordpress selection.

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